Experiment ID: 797

Field Description
namerandomized controlled trial on the impact of early-life intervention with bifidobacteria on the healthy infant fecal microbiota and metabolome

Annotations for experiment:

Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
797amnon high in bifidobacterium supplement compared to control diet in feces homo sapiens infant germany formula fed 3-month-old human stage 2021-06-13v31 / 3approvedNo
797amnon high in age 7 months compared to 12-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens infant germany breast fed 2021-06-13v31 / 4approvedNo
797amnon high in control diet compared to bifidobacterium supplement in feces homo sapiens infant germany formula fed 3-month-old human stage 2021-06-13v31 / 5approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, breast fed, 1-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 9approvedNo
797amnon high in formula fed compared to breast fed in feces homo sapiens infant germany 12-month-old human stage 2021-06-13v31 / 10approvedNo
797amnon high in breast fed compared to formula fed in feces homo sapiens infant germany 12-month-old human stage 2021-06-13v31 / 12approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, breast fed, age 7 months2021-06-13v31 / 12approvedNo
797amnon high in breast fed compared to formula fed in feces homo sapiens infant germany 3-month-old human stage 2021-06-13v31 / 13approvedNo
797amnon high in breast fed compared to formula fed in feces homo sapiens infant germany 1-month-old human stage 2021-06-13v31 / 14approvedNo
797amnon high in 1-month-old human stage compared to 3-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens infant germany breast fed 2021-06-13v31 / 14approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, breast fed, age 7 months2021-06-13v31 / 14approvedNo
797amnon high in 3-month-old human stage compared to age 7 months in feces homo sapiens infant germany breast fed 2021-06-13v31 / 15approvedNo
797amnon high in 12-month-old human stage compared to age 7 months in feces homo sapiens infant germany breast fed 2021-06-13v31 / 15approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, breast fed, 3-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 15approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, breast fed, 3-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 15approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, formula fed, 1-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 15approvedNo
797amnon high in breast fed compared to formula fed in feces homo sapiens infant germany age 7 months 2021-06-13v31 / 17approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, formula fed, 3-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 17approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, breast fed, 12-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 18approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, child, germany, breast fed, 2-year-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 19approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, formula fed, 1-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 19approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, formula fed, 3-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 20approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, breast fed, 12-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 20approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, formula fed, age 7 months2021-06-13v31 / 20approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, breast fed, 1-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 20approvedNo
797amnon high in 1-month-old human stage compared to 3-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens infant germany formula fed 2021-06-13v31 / 22approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, child, germany, formula fed, 2-year-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 22approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, formula fed, 12-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 23approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, formula fed, age 7 months2021-06-13v31 / 23approvedNo
797amnondominant feces, homo sapiens, infant, germany, formula fed, 12-month-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 25approvedNo
797amnon high in 3-month-old human stage compared to 1-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens infant germany breast fed 2021-06-13v31 / 27approvedNo
797amnon high in age 7 months compared to 3-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens infant germany breast fed 2021-06-13v31 / 28approvedNo
797amnon high in 3-month-old human stage compared to age 7 months in feces homo sapiens infant germany formula fed 2021-06-13v31 / 29approvedNo
797amnon high in formula fed compared to breast fed in feces homo sapiens infant germany age 7 months 2021-06-13v31 / 31approvedNo
797amnon high in 3-month-old human stage compared to 1-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens infant germany formula fed 2021-06-13v31 / 39approvedNo
797amnon high in age 7 months compared to 3-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens infant germany formula fed 2021-06-13v31 / 44approvedNo
797amnon high in age 7 months compared to 12-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens infant germany formula fed 2021-06-13v31 / 44approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, child, germany, formula fed, 2-year-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 46approvedNo
797amnoncommon feces, homo sapiens, child, germany, breast fed, 2-year-old human stage2021-06-13v31 / 50approvedNo
797amnon high in infant 12-month-old human stage compared to child 2-year-old human stage in feces homo sapiens germany formula fed 2021-06-13v31 / 52approvedNo
797amnon high in formula fed compared to breast fed in feces homo sapiens infant germany 1-month-old human stage 2021-06-13v31 / 69approvedNo
797amnon high in formula fed compared to breast fed in feces homo sapiens infant germany 3-month-old human stage 2021-06-13v31 / 75approvedNo
797amnon high in 12-month-old human stage compared to age 7 months in feces homo sapiens infant germany formula fed 2021-06-13v31 / 106approvedNo
797amnon high in child 2-year-old human stage compared to infant 12-month-old human stage in feces homo sapiens germany formula fed 2021-06-13v31 / 139approvedNo

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