Experiment ID: 614

Field Description
namecontext-dependent dynamics lead to the assembly of functionally distinct microbial communities

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
days 0-30.500000
LOWER IN days 57-600.500000
plant fluid0.500000
harvard forest0.500000
sarracenia purpurea0.500000
pitcher plant0.500000
pitcher fluid0.500000
days 57-600.500000
LOWER IN days 0-30.500000
early time points0.166667
LOWER IN late time points0.166667
LOWER IN research facility0.142857
late time points0.125000
LOWER IN early time points0.125000
commonwealth of massachusetts0.111111
LOWER IN wild0.071429
research facility0.005291
united states of america0.003356
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
united states of america1.000000
commonwealth of massachusetts1.000000
plant fluid1.000000
harvard forest1.000000
sarracenia purpurea1.000000
pitcher plant1.000000
pitcher fluid1.000000
early time points0.250000
days 0-30.250000
LOWER IN research facility0.250000
LOWER IN late time points0.250000
LOWER IN days 57-600.250000
research facility0.250000
late time points0.250000
days 57-600.250000
LOWER IN early time points0.250000
LOWER IN wild0.250000
LOWER IN days 0-30.250000
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
early time points1.000000
days 0-31.000000
LOWER IN research facility1.000000
LOWER IN late time points1.000000
LOWER IN days 57-601.000000
united states of america1.000000
commonwealth of massachusetts1.000000
plant fluid1.000000
harvard forest1.000000
sarracenia purpurea1.000000
pitcher plant1.000000
pitcher fluid1.000000
research facility1.000000
late time points1.000000
days 57-601.000000
LOWER IN early time points1.000000
LOWER IN wild1.000000
LOWER IN days 0-31.000000

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