Experiment ID: 598

Field Description
namecitizen science charts two major “stomatotypes” in the oral microbiome of adolescents and reveals links with habits and drinking water composition

Annotations for experiment:

Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
LOWER IN age 13-15 years0.500000
age 13-15 years0.500000
teeth braces0.500000
diet without sweets0.500000
LOWER IN diet containing sweets0.500000
LOWER IN braces0.500000
LOWER IN teeth braces0.500000
diet containing sweets0.500000
LOWER IN diet without sweets0.500000
LOWER IN 13-year-old human stage0.333333
LOWER IN 14-year-old human stage0.333333
14-year-old human stage0.333333
13-year-old human stage0.250000
LOWER IN child0.071429
oral cavity0.050000
kingdom of spain0.040000
LOWER IN adult0.040000
LOWER IN male0.040000
LOWER IN female0.035714
LOWER IN control0.004673
homo sapiens0.002695
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
homo sapiens1.000000
kingdom of spain1.000000
oral cavity0.909091
age 13-15 years0.818182
13-year-old human stage0.818182
14-year-old human stage0.818182
LOWER IN child0.090909
LOWER IN age 13-15 years0.090909
LOWER IN 13-year-old human stage0.090909
LOWER IN 14-year-old human stage0.090909
teeth braces0.090909
LOWER IN control0.090909
LOWER IN adult0.090909
diet without sweets0.090909
LOWER IN diet containing sweets0.090909
LOWER IN braces0.090909
LOWER IN teeth braces0.090909
LOWER IN female0.090909
LOWER IN male0.090909
diet containing sweets0.090909
LOWER IN diet without sweets0.090909
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
LOWER IN child1.000000
LOWER IN age 13-15 years1.000000
LOWER IN 13-year-old human stage1.000000
LOWER IN 14-year-old human stage1.000000
homo sapiens1.000000
oral cavity1.000000
kingdom of spain1.000000
age 13-15 years1.000000
13-year-old human stage1.000000
14-year-old human stage1.000000
teeth braces1.000000
LOWER IN control1.000000
LOWER IN adult1.000000
diet without sweets1.000000
LOWER IN diet containing sweets1.000000
LOWER IN braces1.000000
LOWER IN teeth braces1.000000
LOWER IN female1.000000
LOWER IN male1.000000
diet containing sweets1.000000
LOWER IN diet without sweets1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
598amnonhigher in kids that eat sweets ( high in diet containing sweets compared to diet without sweets in homo sapiens saliva oral cavity child kingdom of spain age 13-15 years 13-year-old human stage 14-year-old human stage )2020-03-25v31 / 3approvedNo
598amnon high in male compared to female in homo sapiens saliva oral cavity child kingdom of spain age 13-15 years 13-year-old human stage 14-year-old human stage 2020-03-25v31 / 5approvedNo
598amnon high in female compared to male in homo sapiens saliva oral cavity child kingdom of spain age 13-15 years 13-year-old human stage 14-year-old human stage 2020-03-25v31 / 5approvedNo
598amnonlower in mouthwash of kids with braces compared to no braces ( high in control compared to braces teeth braces in homo sapiens saliva oral cavity child kingdom of spain age 13-15 years 13-year-old human stage 14-year-old human stage )2020-03-25v31 / 11approvedNo
598amnonprobable contaminant (collection date dependent) (contamination)2020-03-25v31 / 14approvedNo
598amnondominant homo sapiens, saliva, oral cavity, child, kingdom of spain, age 13-15 years, 13-year-old human stage, 14-year-old human stage2020-03-25v31 / 16approvedNo
598amnonhigher in kids that do no eat sweets ( high in diet without sweets compared to diet containing sweets in homo sapiens saliva oral cavity child kingdom of spain age 13-15 years 13-year-old human stage 14-year-old human stage )2020-03-25v31 / 17approvedNo
598amnonhigher in mouthwash of students compared to teachers ( high in child age 13-15 years 13-year-old human stage 14-year-old human stage compared to adult in homo sapiens saliva oral cavity kingdom of spain )2020-03-25v31 / 52approvedNo
598amnonhigher in mouthwash of kids with braces compared to no braces ( high in braces teeth braces compared to control in homo sapiens saliva oral cavity child kingdom of spain age 13-15 years 13-year-old human stage 14-year-old human stage )2020-03-25v31 / 79approvedNo
598amnoncommon homo sapiens, saliva, oral cavity, child, kingdom of spain, age 13-15 years, 13-year-old human stage, 14-year-old human stage2020-03-25v31 / 124approvedNo
598amnonlower in mouthwash of students compared to teachers ( high in adult compared to child age 13-15 years 13-year-old human stage 14-year-old human stage in homo sapiens saliva oral cavity kingdom of spain )2020-03-25v31 / 232approvedNo

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