Experiment ID: 495

Field Description
name16s rrna amplicon sequencing characterization of caecal microbiome composition of broilers and free-range slow-growing chickens throughout their productive lifespan

Annotations for experiment:

term enrichment score
free range chicken0.541667
age 3 weeks0.190476
broiler chicken0.174757
age 6 weeks0.160000
age 12 weeks0.153846
age 4 days0.153846
age 3 days0.153846
age 2 weeks0.142857
age 8 weeks0.133333
age 4 weeks0.117647
gallus gallus0.090909
LOWER IN typhlitis0.083333
LOWER IN intestinal disease0.083333
LOWER IN free range chicken0.083333
intestinal disease0.083333
kingdom of spain0.076923
LOWER IN broiler chicken0.076923
LOWER IN disease0.071429
LOWER IN control0.008475
Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
LOWER IN typhlitis0.500000
LOWER IN intestinal disease0.500000
free range chicken0.500000
age 12 weeks0.500000
LOWER IN free range chicken0.500000
age 4 days0.500000
intestinal disease0.500000
age 3 days0.500000
age 2 weeks0.333333
LOWER IN broiler chicken0.250000
age 8 weeks0.250000
age 3 weeks0.200000
LOWER IN disease0.166667
age 4 weeks0.166667
age 6 weeks0.142857
broiler chicken0.111111
gallus gallus0.047619
kingdom of spain0.040000
LOWER IN control0.004673
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
gallus gallus1.000000
kingdom of spain1.000000
free range chicken0.590909
broiler chicken0.409091
age 6 weeks0.181818
age 3 weeks0.181818
age 12 weeks0.090909
age 8 weeks0.090909
age 4 weeks0.090909
age 2 weeks0.090909
age 4 days0.090909
age 3 days0.090909
LOWER IN typhlitis0.045455
LOWER IN disease0.045455
LOWER IN intestinal disease0.045455
LOWER IN broiler chicken0.045455
LOWER IN free range chicken0.045455
intestinal disease0.045455
LOWER IN control0.045455
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
LOWER IN typhlitis1.000000
LOWER IN disease1.000000
LOWER IN intestinal disease1.000000
gallus gallus1.000000
kingdom of spain1.000000
free range chicken1.000000
age 6 weeks1.000000
age 3 weeks1.000000
age 12 weeks1.000000
broiler chicken1.000000
LOWER IN broiler chicken1.000000
age 8 weeks1.000000
age 4 weeks1.000000
age 2 weeks1.000000
LOWER IN free range chicken1.000000
age 4 days1.000000
intestinal disease1.000000
LOWER IN control1.000000
age 3 days1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, broiler chicken, age 3 days2019-03-03v41 / 4approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, broiler chicken, age 6 weeks2019-03-03v41 / 6approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, broiler chicken, age 3 days2019-03-03v41 / 12approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, age 6 weeks, free range chicken2019-03-03v41 / 16approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, free range chicken, age 8 weeks2019-03-03v41 / 18approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, age 4 weeks, broiler chicken2019-03-03v41 / 19approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, free range chicken, age 4 days2019-03-03v41 / 20approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, age 3 weeks, free range chicken2019-03-03v41 / 27approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, free range chicken, age 12 weeks2019-03-03v41 / 27approvedNo
495amnondominant farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, broiler chicken, age 2 weeks2019-03-03v41 / 28approvedNo
495amnon high in typhlitis disease intestinal disease compared to control in farm caecum gallus gallus kingdom of spain chicken free range chicken 2019-03-03v41 / 48approvedNo
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, free range chicken, age 4 days2019-03-03v41 / 69approvedNo
495amnon high in broiler chicken compared to free range chicken in farm caecum gallus gallus kingdom of spain chicken age 3 weeks 2019-03-03v41 / 90approvedNo
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, broiler chicken, age 2 weeks2019-03-03v41 / 134approvedNo
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, age 4 weeks, broiler chicken2019-03-03v41 / 185approvedNo
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, free range chicken, age 8 weeks2019-03-03v41 / 189approvedNo
495amnon high in free range chicken compared to broiler chicken in farm caecum gallus gallus kingdom of spain chicken age 3 weeks 2019-03-03v41 / 199approvedNo
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, broiler chicken, age 6 weeks2019-03-03v41 / 210approvedNo
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, free range chicken, age 12 weeks2019-03-03v41 / 214approvedNo
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, age 3 weeks, free range chicken2019-03-03v41 / 236approvedNo
495amnoncommon farm, caecum, gallus gallus, kingdom of spain, chicken, age 6 weeks, free range chicken2019-03-03v41 / 290approvedNo
495amnon high in control compared to typhlitis disease intestinal disease in farm caecum gallus gallus kingdom of spain chicken free range chicken 2019-03-03v41 / 412approvedNo

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