Experiment ID: 227

Field Description
namematuration of the infant respiratory microbiota, environmental drivers and health consequences: a prospective cohort study

Annotations for experiment:

Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
227amnonpeaks at age 1 month in baby nasopharynx ( high in age 1-month-old human stage compared to newborn human stage infant stage in homo sapiens nasal cavity nasopharynx infant kingdom of the netherlands )2017-10-30v41 / 2approvedNo
227amnonpeaks at age 3 months in baby nasopharynx ( high in age 3-month-old human stage compared to age > 3 months age < 3 months infant stage in homo sapiens nasal cavity nasopharynx infant kingdom of the netherlands )2017-10-30v41 / 2approvedNo
227amnonlower in infants with respiratory illness compared to healthy controls ( high in control compared to respiratory system disease in homo sapiens nasal cavity nasopharynx infant kingdom of the netherlands )2017-10-30v41 / 2approvedNo
227amnonpeaks at 24hrs compared to 2hrs or later timepoints in baby nasopharynx ( high in age age 24 hours newborn human stage compared to age 2 hours age >=7 days newborn human stage in homo sapiens nasal cavity nasopharynx infant kingdom of the netherlands )2017-10-30v41 / 6approvedNo
227amnonhigher in infants with respiratory illness compared to healthy controls ( high in respiratory system disease compared to control in homo sapiens nasal cavity nasopharynx infant kingdom of the netherlands )2017-10-30v41 / 6approvedNo
227amnoncommon in baby nasopharynx age 1 day to 3 months (common homo sapiens, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, age, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, 3-month-old human stage)2017-10-30v41 / 9approvedNo
227amnoncommon in baby nasopharynx age 6 months to 1 year (common homo sapiens, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, age, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, 12-month-old human stage)2017-10-30v41 / 10approvedNo
227amnonhigh freq. in baby nasopharynx age 6 months to 1 year (dominant homo sapiens, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, age, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, 12-month-old human stage)2017-10-30v41 / 10approvedNo
227amnonhigh freq. in baby nasopharynx age 1 day to 3 months (dominant homo sapiens, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, age, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, 3-month-old human stage)2017-10-30v41 / 12approvedNo
227amnonhigher in age > 3 months in baby nasopharynx ( high in age age > 3 months infant stage compared to age < 3 months in homo sapiens nasal cavity nasopharynx infant kingdom of the netherlands )2017-10-30v41 / 15approvedNo
227amnonhigh freq. in baby nasopharynx age <= 1 day (dominant homo sapiens, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, age, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, age <= 24 hours, 1-month-old human stage)2017-10-30v41 / 17approvedNo
227amnoncommon in baby nasopharynx age <= 1 day (common homo sapiens, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, age, infant, kingdom of the netherlands, age <= 24 hours, 1-month-old human stage)2017-10-30v41 / 20approvedNo
227amnonhigher in nasopharynx of formula fed babies compared to breast fed ( high in diet formula fed compared to breast milk breast fed in homo sapiens nasal cavity nasopharynx infant kingdom of the netherlands )2017-11-03v41 / 38approvedNo
227amnonhiger in first 24hrs compared to later timepoints in baby nasopharynx ( high in age age <=24 hours newborn human stage compared to age >= 7 days newborn human stage in homo sapiens nasal cavity nasopharynx infant kingdom of the netherlands )2017-10-30v41 / 85approvedNo

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