Experiment ID: 171

Field Description
namedrought stress results in a compartment-specific restructuring of the rice root-associated microbiomes

Annotations for experiment:

term enrichment score
LOWER IN drought environment0.240000
drought environment0.240000
oryza sativa0.240000
depth 5cm0.222222
flooded soil0.111111
LOWER IN flooded soil0.111111
LOWER IN root0.074074
LOWER IN rhizosphere0.071429
LOWER IN soil0.060606
state of california0.058824
LOWER IN control0.009119
united states of america0.006689
Fraction of dbbact annotations with this term covered by the query
flooded soil0.500000
LOWER IN flooded soil0.500000
LOWER IN drought environment0.333333
drought environment0.333333
depth 5cm0.200000
oryza sativa0.142857
LOWER IN root0.090909
LOWER IN soil0.058824
LOWER IN rhizosphere0.050000
state of california0.030303
LOWER IN control0.004673
united states of america0.003356
Fraction of annotations for the query sequences containing the term
united states of america1.000000
state of california1.000000
oryza sativa0.750000
depth 5cm0.250000
LOWER IN drought environment0.187500
drought environment0.187500
LOWER IN control0.187500
LOWER IN rhizosphere0.125000
LOWER IN root0.062500
LOWER IN soil0.062500
flooded soil0.062500
LOWER IN flooded soil0.062500
Number of experiments associating the term to the sequence
LOWER IN root1.000000
united states of america1.000000
oryza sativa1.000000
state of california1.000000
LOWER IN drought environment1.000000
depth 5cm1.000000
drought environment1.000000
LOWER IN control1.000000
LOWER IN rhizosphere1.000000
LOWER IN soil1.000000
flooded soil1.000000
LOWER IN flooded soil1.000000
Exp. ID User ID Description Date Region Sequences Status Flag
171amnonhigh freq. in soil with rice growth irrigation protocol (dominant united states of america, soil, state of california, depth 5cm)2017-07-25v41 / 1approvedNo
171amnondominant united states of america, soil, rhizosphere, oryza sativa, state of california, rice2017-07-25v41 / 2approvedNo
171amnondominant united states of america, oryza sativa, state of california, rice, root2017-07-25v41 / 2approvedNo
171amnonhigh in draught soil compared to soil with rice growth irrigation protocol ( high in drought environment compared to control flooded soil in united states of america soil state of california depth 5cm )2017-07-25v41 / 11approvedNo
171amnonlow in draught soil compared to soil with rice growth irrigation protocol ( high in control flooded soil compared to drought environment in united states of america soil state of california depth 5cm )2017-07-25v41 / 46approvedNo
171amnonlower in rice rhizosphere soil compared to bulk soil (no rice) ( high in soil compared to rhizosphere in united states of america oryza sativa state of california rice )2017-07-25v41 / 73approvedNo
171amnonhigher in rice rhizosphere soil compared to bulk soil (no rice) ( high in rhizosphere compared to soil in united states of america oryza sativa state of california rice )2017-07-25v41 / 140approvedNo
171amnoncommon united states of america, oryza sativa, state of california, rice, root2017-07-25v41 / 156approvedNo
171amnonhigher in roots compared to rhizosphere soil in rice ( high in root compared to rhizosphere in united states of america oryza sativa state of california rice )2017-07-25v41 / 213approvedNo
171amnonhigher in roots of drought irrigated rice compared to irrigated conrols ( high in drought environment compared to control in united states of america oryza sativa state of california rice root )2017-07-25v41 / 282approvedNo
171amnonlower in roots of drought irrigated rice compared to irrigated conrols ( high in control compared to drought environment in united states of america oryza sativa state of california rice root )2017-07-25v41 / 288approvedNo
171amnon high in drought environment compared to control in united states of america soil rhizosphere oryza sativa state of california rice 2017-07-25v41 / 770approvedNo
171amnoncommon united states of america, soil, rhizosphere, oryza sativa, state of california, rice2017-07-25v41 / 772approvedNo
171amnoncommon in soil with rice growth irrigation protocol (common united states of america, soil, state of california, depth 5cm)2017-07-25v41 / 890approvedNo
171amnon high in control compared to drought environment in united states of america soil rhizosphere oryza sativa state of california rice 2017-07-25v41 / 1164approvedNo
171amnonlower in roots compared to rhizosphere soil in rice ( high in soil rhizosphere compared to root in united states of america oryza sativa state of california rice )2017-07-25v41 / 7628approvedNo

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